H2.1: CH3SH makes a significant contribution to the reactive sulfur burden in the remote marine atmosphere.4

H2.2: Autoxidation of DMS to produce HPMTF is a major pathway for DMS oxidation in the marine boundary layer.

H2.3: HPMTF and CH3SH enhance SO2 production and may stimulate new particle formation in the clean, cloud-free marine boundary layer.

H2.4: HPMTF leads to rapid increase in sulfate mass on existing particles in the cloudy marine boundary layer.

H2.5: The presence of NOx (e.g., from ship emissions) leads to a reduction in HPMTF during the day but an increase at night via the nitrate radical.

SWP-B delivers paper(s) on:

D2.1: Improved constraints on the products of HPMTF oxidation from gaseous and aqueous/heterogeneous processes.

D2.2: Estimate of the OCS indirect source from HPMTF photolysis.

D2.3: First quantification of the importance of CH3SH in marine sulfur chemistry during the spring time phytoplankton bloom in the North Atlantic.

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